ACO NextGen is currently seeking several students, recent graduates or emerging professionals with an interest in heritage conservation to join us on the ACO NextGen Executive Board until 2026. 

The following positions are available (details below):

  1. ACO NextGen Chair
  2. NextGen Vice Chair
  3. Director of Programs and Events
  4. Program and Event Coordinator(s)
  5. Director of Public Outreach
  6. Director of Social Media

Previous experience sitting on a board is not necessary, however applicants should provide examples of taking initiative or acting in a leadership role. Demonstrated experience relevant to the roles outlined below is preferred, but not required.

Members of the board will be responsible for attending meetings (approximately once per month) and executing and reporting on their respective duties. Time commitment varies throughout the year based on the two annual events. These are volunteer positions and therefore unpaid. However, this is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills, take ownership over projects and build a professional network within the heritage industry.

In each case, the requirements a candidate must fulfill to become a NextGen executive are as follows: 

  • Be interested in cultural and/or built heritage and in creating opportunities for people to engage with it
  • Self-identifying as a student or emerging professional (need not be in the heritage field)
  • Have or will have an up-to-date ACO membership (easily acquired here, if they don’t have one) 

Membership Fees:

  • Registered Student $20
  • Emerging Professional $20 (5 year limit)

Students must be registered in a post- secondary institution. Emerging professionals are recent graduates or people at the start of their careers.

Architectural conservation requires the skills and knowledge of many fields, including architecture, history, cultural studies, urban planning, photography, interior design, landscape architecture, art history, sustainable design,  archaeology, civil engineering, museum studies, geography, architectural theory, conservation studies, and more. Candidates from all backgrounds and locations within Ontario are encouraged to apply – some of the posted roles may be available as remote positions at the discretion of the NextGen Executive Board.

We also strongly encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, people of colour, people with disabilities, people from all genders and sexually diverse communities and people with intersectional identities.

To apply, submit your resume, note the position(s) you are applying for (first, and second choice) and a 200-300 word statement of interest to before 11:59pm on Sunday, July 14. Tip: Statements of interest should briefly explain why you wish to volunteer with ACO NextGen, and why you believe you would be a good fit for your preferred role(s).

All applicants will receive a response within 7-10 days following the deadline. You will either receive notification that your application has not been selected, or a request for a brief virtual interview.

Please contact us if you have any questions and we would be happy to speak with you. We look forward to reading your application!

ACO NextGen Chair

Lead the NextGen board in executing events, liasing with external partners and ACO, and working to expand opportunities for students and emerging professionals. 

Acting as project manager for the annual job shadow and design charrette events, the Chair will be responsible for drafting timelines and copy, assigning tasks, tracking progress, and assisting the team as necessary.

Other duties include:

  • Scheduling team meetings 
  • Coordinate internship/volunteer opportunities with our partners (U of T, National Trust)
  • Monitoring the NextGen mailbox, and responding to any inquiries or new opportunities. 
  • Working with board members to brainstorm and execute new programming 
  • Representing NextGen on the ACO Executive Board and attending approximately 7 meetings per year
  • Preparing reports for the ACO board reporting on NextGen’s activities

Vice Chair

The person in this role will support the Chair in planning and running meetings and co-ordinating NextGen affairs.

ACO NextGen Meetings: Notify members of committee meetings and create a record of all meetings for NextGen files. On occasion, in the absence of the Chair, lead NextGen meetings and facilitate discussions. On occasion, in the absence of the Chair, attend monthly ACO Executive Committee meetings, and provide a verbal and written report on NextGen activities.

Outreach & Social Media: Actively reach out to professionals, emerging professionals and students in the heritage preservation industry to expand the ACO NextGen network.

Programs & Events: Consult on the creation of an annual NextGen program and event cycle, including the Job Shadow and Design Charrette Provide support in planning and leading NextGen programs & events. 

Director of Programs & Events

This person will spearhead event planning and other ACO NextGen programs, such as awards, as necessary.

Programming Strategy: Develop a Programming strategy, in collaboration with the Director of Social Media, and in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, and review at year-end. Explore and plan new methods of programming (lectures, panel discussions, site tours, pub nights etc.) to facilitate networking and expand membership. 

Event Planning: Coordination and execution of our two annual events, the Charrette and the Job Shadow with the assistance of the Program and Event Coordinator(s) and the wider NextGen board.

Responsibilities include: site/venue selection, scheduling, assuring proper event permitting and insurance, collaborating with program and/or event partners, correspondence, arranging resources (such as catering, supplies, presenters, etc.), volunteer management, managing ticketing and event sign-in.

Recruitment: Utilize events as membership recruitment opportunities by adding participants to ACO mailing lists and social media outlets. Post event: create event debrief document that includes, but is not limited to: event name, description, partners (names and numbers), participants (names and numbers).

Program and Event Coordinator(s)

This person will support event planning and other ACO NextGen programs, such as awards, as necessary.

Event support: Supports Director of Programs and Events in ACO programming and/or event planning. This will include strategizing our two annual events, the Charrette and the Job Shadow. 

Responsibilities include: site/venue selection, scheduling, assuring proper event permitting and insurance, collaborating with program and/or event partners, correspondence, arranging resources (such as catering, supplies, presenters, etc.), volunteer management, managing ticketing and event sign-in

Recruitment: Utilize events as membership recruitment opportunities by adding participants to ACO mailing lists and social media outlets. Post event: create event debrief document that including, but not limited to: event name, description, partners (names and numbers), participants (names and numbers).

Director of Public Outreach

The person in this role will lead initiatives to build community within ACO NextGen, including leading the NextGen Blog and publication strategy and other communications.

  • Develop an outreach strategy, in collaboration with the NextGen Executive Board, and review at year-end. Explore and plan new methods of outreach (lectures, fundraisers, additional social media outlets, etc.) to facilitate networking and expand membership. Oversee development of blog in coordination with the Director of Social Media.
  • Maintain the NextGen mailing list and newsletter, sourcing new content and coordinating with other members of both the NextGen and ACO boards to share relevant  and timely information with our members. 
  • Assist ACO NextGen Chair & Vice Chair with public outreach to expand our network of professionals, emerging professionals and students in the heritage preservation industry. Liaise with ACO to maintain and update current membership list as needed.
  • Coordinate with Director of Social Media in developing NextGen social media presence –  calls for volunteers, including social media or blog contributors, and promotion of NextGen activities.

Director of Social Media

This person will oversee the NextGen social media, including planning for aesthetic quality, content and news, and creating initiatives to include and highlight NextGen members.

  • Coordinate with the NextGen Board, particularly the Director of Public Outreach, to collect and distribute content for the NextGen newsletter
  • Outreach & Social Media: Update ACO NextGen social media pages and website with upcoming event information, and relevant job postings and engaging Ontario-based heritage news as capacity allows. 
  • Design social posts in line with NextGen events
  • Design and post and/or/ repost the occasional content from ACO or our partners by request
  • Post calls for volunteers, including social media or blog contributors, and promote NextGen activities.

Thank you for your application. We look forward to speaking with you!